Silk Road forums
Market => Product offers => Topic started by: nurseRaTchet on December 25, 2012, 07:09 am
Earlier this month, I had mentioned something about an Xmas special . Well due to the fact i had started off a little later than planned , I have attempted to try and make up for it by not only am i going to extend your special between now and the 28th of this month . But I will include in the winners prize a few things i normally don't sell due to rare upkeep of stock on these items. Opana 10 mg , Xanax 1mg and methadone 10 mg . 1-2 of each will be added to a free 3 pack of 8 mg Hydromorophone. The first 25 buyers/orders get automatically entered to win this holiday special drawing.
DETAILS: From now until the stroke of midnight (PST) on the 27th/28th of December, each buyer (25 entries only ) will be entered in the drawing when they receive a message upon placing their order ( message can take up to 2-3 days to get . be patient ) with a number from 1-100. This isn't one of those lotto's you have to buy an entry to play like they have on SR. It's a receipt that you not only placed an order and it's being processed,... But that you are in the drawing which will take place on 12/29/12. I will message the winner and ask for an address. If you are not comfortable with that and refuse... a 2nd place runner up will be reserved also . This winner will get a priority express shipped , with confirmation +tracking # postage paid # pack of * mg D's , 1 opana (10 mg) , 1 xanax (1mg), and 2 methadone (10 mg each ) included . well over 100$ in RX free as a thank you .You will have 72 hours to reply and claim the prize until a 2nd is chosen .
RULES: only one entries per order./buyer. Repeat ordering WILL NOT get you better odds of winning. You must place an order of 3 pack or more . from now until the 28th or until there are 25 orders for 25 entries. Finally this is FOR U.S.A. orders only !!!. no out of country orders will be entered . Sorry. All current postage and shipping will be the same up until the time the winner is announced and after .. The exception of shipping times taking longer to reach destination still are until the end of New Years Day. I am sorry that i cannot speed things up . No over night anything . Please do not ask . i cannot do for one person and not the rest that ask the same . Please don't ask. Any questions after reading this will be replied to . If you send me a question that i have addressed on here already and just ordered without reading ... I cannot be taking my attention from someone unfairly because you have not read anything. I would like to give everyone a fair chance to not only voice commentary, but questions, feedback and ideas are considered with in reason and logical perspective. Think about things from my side too. Just as i was once only a buyer and now consider you all. Thanks and Happy holidays to all .
Thank You all for your patience and honesty and welcoming nightnurse5150 into year #1 of SR.
Regards for now :o ;D
Sounds amazing.X)
Your nitenurse5150 im guessing..
Your nitenurse5150 im guessing..
Yes i suggested signature link, but maybe it's a riddle...:P